Friday, May 06, 2005

New Blue Belts!

Posted by Hello

There was a last minute training session held on Tuesday (3/5) with Mr. Hayakawa-san. It also turned out to be a blue belt grading for Kei, Hara and I on the recommendation of Thomas and Taki. After Mr. Hayakawa-san sparred with us as well as watching us roll with others, he felt that we were qualified to move up to blue belt level.

After that there was a belt promotion ritual with each of the new blue belts getting whipped on the back by the others with their belts, ouch!

Congratulations to Kei and Hara and a thank you to Mr. Hayakawa-san.

Also to see pictures of Thursday's class (5/5) click here.


At 6/5/05 22:16, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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